West Virginia coal mine explosion

Officials hope the miners survived the initial blast and were able to reach airtight chambers that are stocked with food, water and enough oxygen for them to live for four days. The cause of the blast was not known, but the operation has a history of violations for not properly ventilating highly combustible methane gas, safety officials said.Christian Louboutin
Current cause of the accident has not identified, but according to reports, the coal mine accident about 2 million cubic feet per day of methane emissions from gas, has been regarded as security risks. Mine belongs to the history of Massey Energy, has also been a result of the 25 security incidents, the U.S. Federal Mine Safety Committee held a total of 1.5 million U.S. dollars of the ticket.christian louboutin knotted
Distraught family members were briefed and taken to a Massey building off-limits to the media.Massey, , headquartered in Richmond, Virginia,, is the largest coal producer in Central Appalachia with operations in West Virginia, Kentucky and Virginia. Mr Manchin, who said he had spoken with President Barack Obama about the disaster, was headed to the mine site and was due to meet with the miners families.christian louboutin maggie
Par zhufengqin10 le mercredi 06 avril 2011


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